A few months ago, I had told my husband how much of a burden it was on me to work full-time, and how I felt like I wasn’t able to be the wife for him I desired to be. Oh, how I dreamed of being a full-time homemaker! Well, he really took that to heart and cared for me and our marriage so much that later that day, he told me that I didn’t have to work anymore if I didn’t want to. I can’t even tell you how much that made me respect him even more, and feel so loved! So, I immediately thanked and appreciated him, and gave my 2 weeks’ notice to my job. Fast forward a few months to today, I’m sharing 5 ways our life changed when I quit my job to become a full-time homemaker. And my husband’s input at the end!
1. My stress went down:
I no longer had to worry about a whole other life and extra responsibilities anymore, I knew I had a supportive husband who found the value in my staying home. I’m not stressed trying to manage a job alongside homemaking. I don’t have to dread going to work the next day. I’m able to be the peacekeeper of my home.
2. Time to do what I want and love:
Time, so much more time back in my own hands, such a freeing feeling! I can get coffee with a friend, go to the farmers market with my mom, go on a mid-week hike with my husband, Learn some new skills and hobbies I’ve been wanting to do, and take control of my own schedule!
3. Take better care of my health:
Physically, mentally, spiritually, everything. I can prioritize where I need to. I have time to go to the gym more, read the word and pray more. Time to make yummy nutritious meals instead of just eating whatever is fastest. Take my dog for more walks and get my vitamin D in. And do more research on health and make the swaps to take better care of myself.
4. I’m a better wife:
Before, by the time my husband and I both got home from work, I did not have the mental energy to devote my evening to him, and honestly, at the time, I didn’t want to. I had been at work all day, dealing with other people’s problems, and I didn’t want to come home and listen to his. I was selfish. I just wanted my time to relax. I hate to say it, but I really wasn’t a great wife, it’s a lot to balance! I salute the women that truly do it all. But now, I have the mental energy to be eager to talk to him when he gets home, I get excited to hear about his day! I’m much more patient, gentle, and feminine, which he loves! I’m so happy being his wife!
5. I actually get to enjoy homemaking:
I genuinely LOVE homemaking, everything about it! (Okay maybe not scrubbing the toilet, but you get my point). I have the time to find new recipes to try. I can cook all the things my husband and I enjoy. I get to decorate and organize and keep up with the tasks of the house. I’m no longer just rushing through to move on to the next thing. There’s so much more I want to learn as well!
I decided to ask my husband his opinion on how things changed, and his response was “We have a better connection and we’re able to spend more time together.” And I’m just gonna end it on that.
I highly suggest becoming a full-time homemaker/ Housewife.
With love,